Thư mẫu bảo lãnh người thân xin Visa vào Anh Quốc

Khi bạn muốn mời người thân hoặc bảo lãnh họ sang Anh Quốc, ngoài việc điền các mẫu đơn theo quy định thì việc viết 1 lá thư tay của riêng mình để hỗ trợ hồ sơ đó là việc nên làm.

Nói là thư tay không phải ám chỉ việc bạn nên dùng bút và viết xuống giấy. Mà đây là bức thư do bạn tự nghĩ ra ( không phải một mẫu đơn có sẵn), bạn đánh máy, in ra và chỉ việc kí tên bạn vào đó.(Nếu bạn tự viết tay và chữ xấu thì không chắc họ sẽ có thời gian ngồi đọc đâu)


Dưới đây là 1 mẫu đơn mời người thân sang Anh Quốc, bạn có thể tham khảo và thay các chi tiết để xác thực hơn với đơn xin bảo lãnh của bạn.

Tên-Địa Chỉ

Thông tin Liên Hệ của bạn( Người bảo lãnh)

24th February 2012

Địa chỉ Đại Sứ Quán

Văn phòng xét duyệt hồ sơ

To Whom It May Concern

Re: Visitors Visa for Mrs

I am writing in support of an application by the above named person for a visitor for a period of 3 months ( Max 6 months) to enable her to visit me and my family in the UK.

The above named is a maternal aunt of mine. She resides in VietNam.

I am willing to sponsor her visit and pay all the necessary travelling cost and any other expenses that she might incur during her stay in the UK.( in the region of about £1000-1500)

It has been over 6 years since I last met my aunt during a short visit to VietNam

----Nêu lí do muốn đến Anh Quốc ----

My aunt's visit would enable her to meet me and my family, some of whom she has never met before. Bedsides myself she has a number of other relatives including a brother and sister as well as their children that she would like to meet and get to know a bit better socially.

My aunt has always had the desire see to the British culture and way of life, and visit some of the country's historic site. Beside the above, the visit would enable her to visit a family wedding taking place on 25th June 2012.

----Nêu lí do khác nếu có------

---Nêu lí do vì sao người thân bạn sẽ chắc chắn quay về Việt Nam sau chuyến thăm-----

My aunt lives with her three sons, daughter in law, children and grandchildren, with whom she is much attached. They fully support and care for her. She intends to return to them after her visit to the UK

---Giới thiệu qua về bản thân mình, thu nhập, nhà ở ----

I presently work as a Traffic Engineer for Kirklees Council, and have a salary in excess of £34000. I own my own home which is a 3 bedroom semi detached. There is ample space for my aunt during her stay.

I give you my full assurance that that I can support, maintain and accommodate my aunt without any recourse to public funds. ( Attached is Sponsorship Declaration) I will pay for any medical treatment that she may have . You have my word that she will return to Pakistan after her stay with me.

I would therefore be grateful if you can kindly issue the visa to her


Yours faithfully

Tên Bạn và Kí


Sponsorship Declaration

1. Sponsors Full Name: Tên người bảo lãnh

2. Date and Place of Birth: 15/04/1959 Anytown , Country

3. Address in UK: 123 AnyStreet Anytown County UK

4. Sponsors Occupation: Nghề Nghiệp

5. Sponsors Employers/Address: Dellboy Cars  High St Anytown County

6. Sponsors Earnings: £28500 per annum

7. Sponsors Finance: LloydsTSB Bank £6500.23

Natwest Bank £1890.00

8. Accommodation Details: Semi Detached, 3 bedrooms, Kitchen,
Bathroom, Dinning, Lounge, Garage, Garden

9. Number, Date, Place 41999909 20th January 2005, Liverpool UK
Issue of Sponsors

10.Name, Relationship and Address of dependants in (Country) who are being sponsored:

---Đây là phần tuyên thề, cam đoan các thông tin đưa ra là đúng và sẽ chịu trách nhiệm trước pháp luật nếu sai phạm ----


I Mr (or Mrs) hereby solemnly and sincerely declare that if the sponsored person named above is granted leave to remain in the UK on a temporary basis. I shall be responsible for his/her support, maintenance and accommodation in the UK throughout the period of their leave.

I also undertake to repatriate them at my cost if and when necessary and to bear all the cost of any medical treatment that they may receive. Furthermore I agree to bear all the costs of burial or cremation in the event of their death in this country.

I further understand that I may be committing an offence and liable to prosecution if, after I have given this undertaking, I do not support the sponsored person named above

Signature of Sponsor:
